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Dayton Friends of the Community Center/Pool still side-stroking along

DAYTON–Mayo, Zac Weatherford joined eight community members to discuss developments pertaining to the Community Center/Pool on January 28. The Friends of the Community Center/Pool is currently organized under the umbrella of Columbia County Community Network (ComNet), which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving as a channel to obtain grants or other funding to benefit local small groups that do not qualify for nonprofit status. The group currently has about $9,000 all received from donations.

The group applied for a grant from Wildhorse Foundation in Pendleton, Ore., and was not selected this time. Friends of the Community Center/Pool President Vicki Zoller stated, “We will try again.”

The group is striving for a feasibility study to determine if the community can support a pool only, or an indoor year-round pool with an attached Community Center. Zoller stated that getting grants for a feasibility study is hard because at this point, an organization is desiring a grant for a “wish.” It may be necessary to do fund raising to get that feasibility study. A previous quote last fall from Schemata Workshop in Seattle for feasibility studies was under $46,000.

Zoller emphasized that pools alone are not money makers. A community center with programs could offset the cost of the pool. Zoller also mentioned that an outdoor pool is exposed to all the weather elements whereas an indoor pool is not. Plus, it is hoped that if tax money is needed, that the tax money can be kept as low as possible, by having other funding sources for the pool. This is why it is so important for a feasibility study. Mayor Weatherford stated that the city is working with this committee, but for now has “stepped aside” to let this committee do as much as they can. Mayor Weatherford added that the last summer the pool was open (2017), the pool cost $60,000 to run that summer.

The immediate concern is for this summer. During the 2018 and 2019 summers, Columbia County Public Transportation provided free transportation to the pool in Prescott, and a grant from Dayton/Columbia County Community Fund, managed by Blue Mountain Community Foundation in Walla Walla provided free swimming passes for 30 Dayton residents per day

It is not yet known whether the recent passing of Initiative 976 limiting taxes and fees on motor vehicles will affect the free transportation. Mayor Zac Weatherford will discuss this with David Ocampo, General Manager of Columbia County Public Transportation. The question was brought up as to why Prescott was selected for swimming instead of Waitsburg, which is closer. Prescott’s pool is larger and is open more hours; whereas, Waistburg had limited swimming hours. However, Waitsburg will be contacted to determine whether their hours will be acceptable for swimming in summer 2020.

Fund raising opportunities were discussed. It was mentioned that Waitsburg’s Burger Band and Brew event, with the Frog Hollow Band was very successful and raised a lot of money. Hopefully Dayton can do something similar.

Donations to this group are encouraged. Checks need to be made to Community Network. In the description line of your check, please specify that the funds are for Friends of the Community Center/Pool. Please send donations to 702 East Dayton Ave., Dayton, WA 99328

The next pool meeting, public invited, will be Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at 5:30 PM in the Delany Room of the Dayton Memorial Library at 111 S 3rd in Dayton.