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Relief and recovery fund established

WALLA WALLA–A Flood Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund at to help relief and recovery efforts now and in the future in Walla Walla, Umatilla and Columbia counties in the Blue Mountain region.

The horrendous floods of the last week have resulted in extensive damage that is only now coming to light as high water levels recede. The Flood Disaster Fund is at the Blue Mountain Community Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, which is partnering with local government – cities, towns and counties. The Fund is a charitable option for people who wish to support relief and disaster efforts, particularly in specific towns or counties.

Donations to the Fund are eligible for charitable income tax deductions. The Blue Mountain Community Foundation is in both Washington and Oregon. Its mission is to connect donors with the issues they care about. People may make online donations at or send checks made out to “BMCF – Flood Disaster” and send to PO Box 603, Walla Walla, WA 99362. To help a specific county or town, people should write the name on the check or on the online donation. BMCF will forward these funds to the emergency services unit without charge.

People wishing to provide immediate and direct aid to people affected by the disaster should give to the Red Cross, Blue Mountain Action Council, SonBridge or Helpline. Gifts to these organizations can also be made through BMCF’s website.

The Community Foundation has the capability to manage funds and disburse them in the future after plans have coalesced with the assistance of an informed advisory committee. Recovery will take some time. For people interested in longer term recovery, this Fund is a charitable option.

For info, contact BMCF at 509-529-4371.