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Dayton FFA Chapter awards presented

DAYTON–FFA Members may earn five degrees through the FFA. The first degree is given at the middle school level. The next two degrees–the Greenhand and Chapter degrees are awarded by the Chapter, fourth–the State FFA Degree is awarded by the State Association and the last degree the American Degree is awarded by the National FFA Organization.

The first-degree category is the Discovery Degree. The discovery degree is for FFA members who are currently in 7th or 8th grade. This year the following members qualify for their Discovery Degree: Nolan Korslund and Mason Garcia.

The Greenhand, represented by the Bronze emblem, is earned by members meeting the following requirements: Be enrolled in an agriculture class; have plans for an SAE or Supervised Agricultural Experience program and have a general knowledge of the FFA and its history and understand the FFA Creed. The following members have earned their Greenhand Degrees: Victoria Rapoza; Dan Magill-Katsel; Claudia Benavides; Mohala Bramer; Cecilia Acevedo; Alicia Apodaca; Ben Shultice; Benny Bryan; Elaina Gemballa; Elijah Talbott; Kaylene Slack; Milena Gemmell; McKenzie Dobbs; and Rose Burris-Ramirez.

The Chapter Degree requires that the members earn the Greenhand degree and have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure skills, lead a fifteen-minute discussion on an agricultural topic as well as participate in a specific number of activities above the chapter level. The following members have satisfied these requirements: Quintin Rapoza; Anna Fortier; Sagelyn Kilts; Alexxys Draper; Ella Larson; Evan Allen; and Mackena Culley.

The State Degree is symbolized by the golden charm. This is symbolic of growth and development in your chosen field. In order for members to be eligible for their State Degree, members must have been an active FFA member for at least two years prior to application, have a quality Supervised Agriculture Experience Project that meets time and financial investment requirements, demonstrate leadership ability, and participate in a variety of FFA activities above the chapter level. The Washington State Degree is awarded to less than 2% of FFA members in the State. The following members have received their State Degree this year: Cassidy Laughery; Kira Boggs; Tayven Seney; Josiah White; and Jurnee Griffen.

The American FFA Degree marks the highest level of membership which may be achieved in our organization. The qualifications for the American FFA Degree include having been an active member of FFA who received their State FFA Degree, have in operation and maintained records to substantiate an outstanding Supervised Agricultural Experience program through which a member has exhibited comprehensive planning, managerial and financial expertise, and continue this after their high school experience. The American degree is awarded to less than 1% of the Nations FFA members, making this a true honor. Recipients of the degree receive the gold American Degree Key. Dayton FFA had three members submit their applications for consideration for the American Degree, and will be awarded this award at the National Convention later this fall. Ben White; Kaleigh White; and Tatumn Laughery.

The FFA has many opportunities for students to apply the real-world agricultural knowledge learned in the classroom to an industry focused, hands-on situation. These opportunities are called CDEs or Career Development Events. This year, the Dayton FFA members participated in many different events and were very successful in all of these events. Soils and Land Evaluation: The Soils and Land Evaluation CDE helps students gain an understanding of the most basic need for all agricultural pursuits- healthy land on which to grow crops or raise livestock. Participants identify and evaluate soil samples for various indicators, grade plots of land for slope and drainage, and work to determine what type of activity the land would be best suited. This year, the team Josiah White, Madison Dittman, Sagelyn Kilts, Alexxys Draper, and Claudia Benavides placed 7th at State!

FFA members who participate in the Agricultural Issues Forum LDE identify, research and present information on agricultural issues that are relevant to their communities, creating an inherent connection between the members and their presentation. Each team has already presented on a current issue facing agriculture to local community groups prior to competing in the state event. In the presentation both sides of the issue are addressed, allowing audience members to form their own opinions. This year, the team Josiah White, Tayven Seney, Cassidy Laughery, Sagelyn Kilts, Kira Boggs, Samantha Davis, Kaylene Slack placed second at districts, and had qualified for the State Event, which was cancelled this year.

FFA members in this next event are able to develop their ability to communicate in a powerful, organized and professional manner, as well as boost their self-confidence. The Creed Speaking LDE is designed solely for members who qualified while in the seventh, eighth or ninth grade. These outstanding FFA members are recognized for their ability to memorize and present the FFA Creed then answer questions on the meaning and purpose of the Creed. Members receiving a pin this year are: Mohala Bramer, Quintin Rapoza and Victoria Rapoza.

Through the creation of a management plan related to crop and soil sciences, FFA members can enhance their problem-solving capabilities, communication skills and teamwork. Skills in soil identification and analysis as well as the ability to make sound managerial decisions are put to the test. Students are challenged to work individually and with their team during this event. This year the team members were: Josiah White, Sadie Seney, Jurnee Griffen, Alexxys Draper

By participating in the Prepared Public Speaking LDE, FFA members are given the opportunity to exhibit their ability to prepare and present a factual, 6-8 minute speech on a specific agricultural issue. Event participants are required to deliver a prepared speech on one agricultural topic. Sadie Seney participated.

The Food Science and Technology CDE provides FFA members the opportunity to gain awareness of career and professional opportunities in the field of food science and technology, marketing and management occupations. This year the team Cassidy Laughery, Sagelyn Kilts, Ben Shultice, Mackena Culley placed 7th at the State Virtual Event!

Through the Agricultural Sales event, students are able to prepare for career opportunities by participating in a wide range of sales activities that develop their interpersonal skills. Members also have their knowledge of sales principles tested in the written exam. The team Josiah White, Eli Talbott, Kaylene Slack, and Kira Boggs, this year placed 2nd at districts which qualified them for the State Event which was cancelled this year.

Participants in the Parliamentary Procedure LDE are given the opportunity to enhance knowledge and express mastery of parliamentary law. The team this year that competed at the Sub-District level was: Kaylene Slack, Mackena Culley and Sagelyn Kilts.

Trapshooting is an event that takes some serious skill and practice. These members Tayven Seney, Kyler Slack, Dan Magill-Katsil, and Jacob Holmberg, competed at a few local trapshooting events. Dan Magill-Katsel was the 5th best individual at one event.

Showing an animal at local fairs take a lot of time and responsibility. FFA members spend many months raising and preparing their animals for the fair. The following FFA members had livestock projects at the local fairs: Steer : Tayven Seney, Carlos Norris, Josiah White and Sadie Seney; Swine: Evan Allen, Kira Boggs, Jurnee Griffen, Mackena Culley, Sagelyn Kilts and Cassidy Laughery; and Cat : Quintin Rapoza.

2019-2020 FFA officers receiving a recognition plaque for their year of service: President- Tayven Seney; Vice President- Kira Boggs; Secretary- Sadie Seney; Treasurer- Josiah White; Reporter- Mackena Culley; Sentinel- Cassidy Laughery.

Special awards. Star Greenhand-FFA member who received their Greenhand degree who has excelled this past year in the FFA. In fact, this member was so involved throughout the year that it was easy to forget that it was their first year in FFA! This member tried new events, pushed others to work hard and be successful, and was overall a star member. This year the Star Greenhand due to high level of involvement, quality work, and the potential to excel in future years is Kaylene Slack.

Rising Sun Award: The rising sun in agriculture is a token of leadership in FFA. This award recipient is someone who demonstrates leadership potential in the FFA, and has worked hard this past year to better themselves and push others in the FFA as well. This year the Rising Sun Award is presented to Sadie Seney.

Blue and Gold Award: This award is for an FFA member that embodies the ideals of FFA of Premier Leadership, Personal Growth, and Career Success. This year the Blue and Gold Award goes to Josiah White who put in countless hours to be successful, was willing to be on any team that needed him, and was someone who could be counted on in the FFA.

The Outstanding Senior award is one that is for an outstanding leader, and someone that has shown leadership in the FFA for many years. Serving for many years as Vice President, and this year as FFA President, this member has shown time and time again the leadership skills, and effort needed to make Dayton FFA successful. This year the award goes to Tayven Seney.

The 2020-21 FFA Officers will be elected in the Fall.