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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

September 8, 2010

The Krazy K-9 dog 4-H club officially formed in the fall of 2009 and active members Caleb Breaux, Jacob Breaux, Diane Patton, Payton Dowdy and Cheyenne Gritman worked hard to raise money to build agility equipment which was assembled in time for the fair.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 6, 1995

Local Sailor Finds Reward in Overseas Deployment. It’s loud, fast-paced, action-packed and even a little dangerous, working on the flight deck of a Navy aircraft carrier, but for Navy airman Apprentice Edith E. Simpson, a member of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 112 (VAW-112), this type of excitement is commonplace.

The Casseday family just opened their new Shell Service Center and Food Mart at 401 W. Main. The auto service center has 3 bays for automotive repair, tune ups and general service.

Fifty Years Ago

September 10, 1970

Mrs. Ida Mae Scott was honored at a surprise party, September 4, by her past and present 4-H club members in recognition of her 20 years of service as a club leader. She was presented a gift of an expense-paid trip to Washington D.C., to attend the 4-H Leaders’ Form.

TOKYO TOUCHDOWN Adults of the Toy-70 are Eleanor Miller, Gloria Mings, Dr. H. Kajikuri, Wilma Damon of Walla Walla, Mrs. Kajikuri, Frankie O’Neil, Vernon Smith, Japanese Hostess, Bill Carter of Gooding Id., Charlotte Smith, Lillian Schafer, Margery Smith, Dr. W.W. Day and Jessie Day boarded a jet at Tokyo International Airport headed for Dayton.

The 1970 Fair Hosts and Hostesses are Kip Culley, and co-host Kelly Donohue, Kris Juris and Co-hostess Cheryl Leid.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 6, 1945

The Trudgeon sheep which have been pasturing on summer range in the Umatilla Forest Reserve were brought in last week to fatten on stubble fields before going to winter quarters or market.

Unknown Marine Saved the life of Virgil Aker, a fellow marine, who was seriously injured in an automobile accident near San Diego, August 22. In the accident, Aker’s jugular vein was cut. The unidentified marine saved Aker’s life by holding his finger on the vein until an ambulance was summoned.

Harold Gentry, son of Mr. Mrs. I.R. Gentry, who has been missing in action November 15, 1943, has been presumed dead, according to a letter from the adjutant general received by his parents last week.

One Hundred Years Ago

September 8, 1920

Federal Officials Arrest Sixty-six Men in Eleven Cities and Towns. Whiskey and drug raids in which liquor valued at $65,000 and 17 automobiles were confiscated in southwestern Montana during the last week, were announced here by federal prohibition enforcement agents. Similar raids were conducted in Colorado, Montana and Wyoming.

Rev. Harvey informs us that his son, R. H. Harvey has accepted a position in the Penney store of Waitsburg.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 7, 1895

The actual loss in the Weston post office robbery was $305 in cash and $165 in stamps. The money was the shape of gold, silver and copper, accepting two $20 greenbacks.