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To the editor,
I was surprised to find an article from our Port of Columbia in the Walla Walla County paper. It was asking Columbia County for input to the region-wide active transportation plan. I’m not sure why Palouse RTPO needs our input on their project. I think they should be capable and informed enough to do it by themselves.
From the first meeting that Columbia County had in Dayton in regards to the Touchet Valley Trail, it appeared they had no clear direction on the project. The presentation in Waitsburg was consistent with the Port’s meeting in Dayton, confusion about what they are doing.
The project appears to be funded by state money, but eventually, maintenance and other obligations will fall on county taxpayers. We can’t afford it in the long run. As an adult, I think beyond today and about the financial repercussions it will bring tomorrow.
The placement of the trail is invasive and destructive to property owners and our county.
I believe a good-neighbor policy is taking good care of your place, paying your bills, being a responsible person and respecting others in your county and town.
When I was a teen, our neighbor had a big fencing project started. Dad found out the neighbor needed help. Dad was unable to make it, but his fencing crew (sons) were there early and at a trot for five days until completed.
I’m under the opinion the Columbia County Port Commission is capable to push pause, stand by their word and invite Columbia County residents back to the table. We won’t need input from neighbors (Walla Walla County and Palouse RTPO), to be open and listen. Then we will make better decisions for our county and better neighbors to Walla Walla County and the Palouse RTPO.
Kraig Horlacher