Your Hometown News Source
Ten Years Ago
February 9, 2011
The City of Dayton has until year 2018 to meet standards for discharge of the city wastewater, according to a public information fact sheet provided by the city during a public presentation Karen Baldwin, of the Department of Ecology, January 24.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
February 7, 1996
This is Deputy Mike Stutzke’s first year as the D.A.R.E. officer in Dayton schools. Normally, the D.A.R.E. program targets 6th graders, giving them a 17-week course addressing drugs, peer pressure, resisting violence and respecting public and private property. He has expanded the program to include Kindergarten through 3rd graders and the fourth and fifth graders.
Fifty Years Ago
February 11, 1971
Clark James was elected president of Columbia County farm Bureau, Inc. for 1971 during the annual business meeting, February 6. Ray Gaines was named as spokesman to inform the public and the trust department of Seattle-First National Bank about the Farm Bureau interest in the Delany Estate and the organizations desire to see the wishes of the late Henry and Alice Delany carried out.
Senator Hubert Donohue of Dayton (D-11th Dist.) has sponsored legislation setting up a separate set of regulations for custom meat facilities. By establishing a separate code for custom meat facilities, we hope to get away from the confusion caused when custom slaughtering is done for the household consumer, alone.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
February, 1946
Virginia Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson of Tucannon, Gaining Fame; Flo Rito who brings his celebrated orchestra to Walla Walla on Wednesday February 13 for an engagement, has a young lady in his band who should be, in a few years, we;; on her way to being one of the top vocal attraction in the United States.
Rev. J. Logan Peringer, county chairman of the Victory clothes Collection which ended January 31, announced the drive was very successful, with 6,015 pounds of clothing and bedding collected. It was shipped to a central depot in 182 bundles and will be on its way to war torn areas in many parts of the world.
Approximately 70 Star Farm ‘Bureau members met at the club house with a potluck supper. The Montgomery family assisted by Gloria Sanders, presented a program of music, singing and tap dancing.
One Hundred Years Ago
February 5, 1921
Frederick ‘Al. Smith journalist and war correspondent, the man who rescued S. A. Shelton, missionary, from bandits in Unan Province, China, one of the most daring feats in the Orient, arrived today. Of his heroism was said little, but warning that Japanese naval and military preparations are underway and the manufacturing various “poison gases”
The House votes for reduction of U.S. Army, by approving appropriation sufficiently only to maintain a force of 150,000 men.
John Schmitt, four times murderer who has been sentenced to be hanged April 1 at the penitentiary was brought from Seattle by Sheriff Matt Starwich, of King County.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
February, 1896
A pleasant surprise was given to Grandma Pettijohn, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hubbell, the party was in honor of her 90th birthday. Grandma Pettijohn was born in Boss County, Ohio January 31, 1806.