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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

I have known Fred Crowe since he came to Dayton with his wife Genie. He had dedicated himself to this community and has served it in many ways. He was appointed and then elected to be a Commissioner for the Port of Columbia and he was appointed to the City Council when he moved from the country into town. He has regularly volunteered at the Liberty Theater and The Club after school program and Kiwanis.

Fred Crowe grew up in a small town, much like Dayton, and focused his entire career on agriculture; administrating irrigation projects, converting dry land farms into irrigated farms, growing disease-free garlic, treating plant diseases and teaching young people to become better producers of agricultural products.

Fred has much integrity, he is honest, he follows-through and he is dedicated to serving Dayton. He knows how to study complex problems and how to come to creative solutions.

We need Fred Crowe on City Council in this time of turmoil. Vote for Crowe. He is the best and most qualified candidate for Position No. 7.

Terry Steinhoff & Anne Strode

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. ~ Henry Ford

Working together as a community seems to be much needed in our town. Boe Stevenson is the person to help accomplish this goal. Boe owns and operates two small business in our town, Locally Nourished, with Alicia Walker, as well as Boe Designs. You may have seen and heard Boe on Main Street playing his guitar while chatting with our local kids, and I’m sure some of you have stopped to converse with him. Boe is a relatable family man who strives to run family-oriented businesses.

While working for the library, I had the opportunity to plan an event with Boe. It was extremely rewarding to work with someone who was excited to share his passion with locals from different walks of life; people who usually won’t just pop in. Isn’t that what we want from a city council member? Isn’t that what we need? Vote Boe Stevenson for city council member number one.

Shakira Bye

Dayton, Wash.

Letter to editor,

We have candidates running for leadership positions in Columbia County and the City of Dayton that profess to be followers of Jesus Christ yet cannot seem to perform the simplest act of loving, Christian kindness towards their fellow man: the wearing of a mask when indoors at public locations such as school board meetings.

This basic, simple act of loving kindness isn’t much to ask of Christians that profess their love of a Savior that willingly died for them. So it makes it hard to accept that this same Savior wouldn’t be willing to wear a mask as a display of love and sacrifice towards others.

If the simplest gesture of thoughtfulness and kindness cannot be displayed by members of the Columbia County Conservative Candidates, then what will be their actions when bigger displays of compassion or caring may be needed from them in their leadership roles?

As a Republican in this county, I reject the mandates of this local conservative group far more than the mandate of wearing a small cloth over my face while in a meeting or in the grocery store. It is, without question, the easiest act of caring and compassion that costs me nothing but says everything.

Vicki Zoller

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

I am writing this in support of Laura Aukerman for Dayton City Council Position No. 1.

I have come to know and appreciate Laura’s passion and commitment to Dayton. Whatever the program or activity, Laura is there, serving as an example of an involved, caring resident. Laura’s interests are broad and will serve as a great complement to those of the entire Council. She is someone who loves Dayton, and it shows.

Laura is passionate about youth, veterans, education, culture and heritage. Her perspective embraces diversity and her focus and decisions strive to always reflect what is in the best interests of Dayton.

I urge you to attend any upcoming candidate Meet & Greet Forums. Learn as much as you can about each candidate. Reach out to all of them and ask not only what they stand for but what they will do to keep Dayton moving forward. Find out first-hand the level of commitment each is prepared to make. Be certain they understand the job they are campaigning for. By giving them your vote, you are giving them your voice.

Karie Banks-Wellsandt

Dayton, Wash.

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