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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

December 14, 2011

Ground breaking for the new motel construction is estimated for May 1, 2012. Owners Derek and Michelle Duke, the principals in the planning of a major chain motel, are moving forward with plans for a 50-room facility located on a block-long property between 4th and 5th Streets on East Main.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 11, 1996

Tim Bruegman, an E.W.U. Student and 1991 Dayton graduate, is the recent recipient of several scholarships, the National Athletic Trainers Association scholarship $1500, “Swede-O” Brace Company (northwest District) $500.00, Big Sky Conference Football Officials $500.00, and the Earl and Florence Stewart Book scholarship. Next spring Bruegman ill graduate with honors receiving a B.A.E. in Physical Education with an emphasis in Sports Medicine and a minor in Health.

Fifty Years Ago

December 16, 1971

Heidi Shields Certified Junior Engineer. A newly certified Tinkertoy Engineer with her creation a “Twirling Merry-Go-Round” made from Tinkertoy parts, she sent a sketch of it to Tinkertoy, Evanston, Illinois division of Questor Education Products Company. With her drawing, she will be entered in the National Scholarship Award program. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields.

The Blue Mountain Snomo Club received their Sno-Cruiser Emergency Unit to complete a project for mountain rescue which started about a year ago. Funds for the sled were raised through sponsorship of two snowmobile races and a dinner dance.

.Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 12, 1946

LeRoy Allen Thorn, age 66, died at the Brining Hospital at 5 a.m. after several years of failing health. Born in Pleasant Grove, Minn., Thorn came here about 40 years ago, and was employed in farming and industry.

Although the coal strike is over and the miners have gone back to work, there is still need for the Columbia County consumer to conserve on coal. The city clerk’s office, permits are now being issued for one ton of coal instead of 1,000 pounds, and are being issued to anyone in need of fuel, whereas at first only those with priorities were supplied.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 10, 1921

About December 18th, the Columbia Market will receive a big fat buffalo from Fort Pierre, S.D., and those desiring to know what buffalo meat is like can leave their orders.

DADS BRING RHINE BABIES, Detachment of Army of Occupation Returns to America, consisting of 11 officers and 500 men. The ship’s best accommodations were occupied by 73 German-born wives of American soldiers and with Rhine babies.

Last Friday at the Baldwin school house the teacher, Miss Mona Clague, gave a basket social which proved to be a grand success socially and financially. There were twelve baskets auctioned off by a man from Dustin Hollow which brought $17.10. The crowd jumped in their Fords and drove up to the Ray Bowman home where they stepped it off until the wee small hours of the morning with lunch served at midnight.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 12, 1896

GRAND BALL AND SUPPER at the Fraternity Hall, December 24, under the Auspices of Patit Lodge No. 10, I.O.O.F. The general public is cordially invited, the Dayton Orchestra will furnish the music and a grand supper served, for the small sum of one dollar.