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Fee schedules approved and deputy clerk appointed

DAYTON–The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved job descriptions for soon-to-be vacant positions of Public Works Director, County Engineer and Maintenance Supervisor; passed Resolutions 2022-02 Amending the Solid Waste Fee Schedule and 2022-03 amending the Public Works Organizational Chart and Salary Schedule Packet; appointed the new Deputy Clerk; and reviewed the 2022 Sheriff’s department budget during the work session on January 11.

Public Works Director and County Engineer Charles Eaton presented job descriptions for the positions he is vacating at the end of the month which were discussed and approved by the BOCC.

David Finney is transitioning from the Maintenance Supervisor position to the Assistant Engineer Position for Public Works after this week. He provided a job description to be used for filling the maintenance vacancy. There was discussion about moving Courthouse and Facilities Maintenance under Public Works rather than keep it as its own department. Also discussed was filling the maintenance assistant position that has been vacant.

Superior Court Clerk Krissy Chapman requested to appoint current Deputy Clerk Sarah Boudrieau as Chief Deputy Clerk and stated that Boudrieau is already fulfilling those duties. The Commissioners approved.

Sheriff Joe Helm met with the Commissioners to seek clarification of the approved 2022 budget for the Sheriff’s Department. He had met with them for a budget hearing about increasing the budget to hire additional deputies to cover the needs of the department and the County.

“It’s one of those things with the changing laws and circumstances, our job is getting harder,” Helm said. “We just need to be better, and I just need to support these guys [the deputies]. They’ve been burning it hard.” The approved budget does not reflect the needed increases because, as Commissioner Charles Amerein stated, commissioners understand it’s a process to hire the people and “so we figured we’d approve what he had right now.”

Auditor Anne Higgins offered guidance for the budget that new hires would just need to be added as a line item from the existing county budget, making sure there is enough in the ending fund balance before approval. All Commissioners agreed that the Sheriff’s Department’s needs are a priority. “Rest assured, everyone in this room wants to help you do your job,” stated Commissioner Marty Hall. “It benefits not only us, but the entire county.”

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