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Pastor's Corner

Sing through the rough waters

The ship's captain was concerned that the many canaries they were transporting across the ocean were ill and perhaps dying. Days had gone by in which the birds seemed listless. They were completely silent, not singing the songs they were capable of. The captain's fears were put to rest when a forceful storm engulfed the ship.

In the midst of the storm the canaries began singing forcefully, all hundreds of them joining in the most beautiful of songs. Though tossed to-and-fro by the treacherous waves, it was in them to sing their way through the rough waters. We trust the Lord in the darkest of times.

The Bible says that God gives songs in the night. Hard times don't mean He doesn't still love us. Our troubles don't mean that He isn't to be trusted. Even when things seem the darkest, God's child trusts in His loving and faithful character.

Job knew the Lord's goodness so well that in his suffering he said of the Lord, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him" Job 13:15.

Through faith we are given grace to praise the Lord in the darkest moments. His goodness will shine through. The Lord said, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and you shall glorify Me" Ps. 50:15.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church

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