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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

July 17, 2013

Dayton General Hospital is upgrading its CT scanner. When Providence St. Mary's Hospital was upgrading, they arranged for Dayton General to get their retiring Seimens unit. The new installation is four times faster in its scanning operation and there are improved software capabilities.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 15, 1998

The Tri-Cities Classic Model Horse Show was held at the Masonic Temple in Dayton. Collectors gathered from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Illinois and Missouri to buy, sell, trade, and compete.

Members of the Blue Mountain Rocketeers Model Rocket Club volunteered time, expertise and equipment to introduce youngsters in the Summer Recreation program to the exciting hobby of model rocketry.

The possible sale of 8,411.11 acres on the South Touchet River to the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation has a number of local residents concerned about the effect that change of ownership could have on the county.

Fifty Years Ago

July 13, 1973

It was recently announced that Laurie James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark James, has exhibited the top steer in the 4-H Steer of Merit Contest at the Spokane Junior Livestock Show.

Washington State University recently announced that Gary L. Savage of Dayton is enrolled in the intensified German Language program. Savage is a graduate student at WSU, and the course is to acquire fluency in another language.

By unanimous secret ballot vote, the commissioners' votes appointed Lois Becken to fill the unexpired term of Vyrl McQuary, as County Auditor. McQuary's resignation takes effect on July 31.

A new 28 x 200 foot hog feeding building as been built on the Lloyd Hutchens place, on Johnson Hollow road, with a 750-hog capacity.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 15, 1948

My Hat's off to Sister Kenny, Selfless crusader against Infantile Paralysis, courageous Genius, who, through the years of heartbreaking opposition, has worked and fought for suffering humanity. As a graduate nurse in remote, doctor-less Australian District, she faced unknown, Children's' Epidemic-Treated it Successful.

An extension of 400 feet on the east end of the Touchet Valley airport flying field has been completed, making the field 2,650 feet long and about 800 feet wide.

William Wooten, son of the late W.T. Wooten and Mrs. Wooten, has been appointed game protector for this county by the state game commission, and will assume his new duties August 1. The game department law enforcement work in Columbia County will have been in the hands of the Wooten family over a score of years. The elder Wooten was named game warden 1920.

Lt. and Mrs. Dick Dunlap were recently returned from Fort Sill, Ok. The Dunlap's are leaving for Seattle were Dick will board ship for Japan where he will serve with the occupation army. Mrs. Dunlap, who was the former Patricia Dingle, will return to Dayton.

At a meeting of the executive board of the Columbia County Farm Bureau, Chuck Mead, Arden Archer and Vernon Smith were appointed to confer with the County Commissioners on the procedure necessary to form a fire district in the county or lean in what other way rural fire-fighting equipment might be made available.

One Hundred Years Ago

July, 1923

No archives available.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 15, 1898

As an indication of the immense harvest that is ahead, five car loads of harvesting machinery arrived here. One car consisted of J.J. Culbertson's steam threshing outfit from the Palouse country and the other four cars were loaded with new harvesting machinery. Two cars of grain sacks were also received over the O.R. & N. In the majority of instances, the farmers are paying cash for their purchases.

Dan Graham is credited with having landed 13 bull trout, the largest 22 inches, the best catch from the Touchet.

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