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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

November 27, 2013

The Annual Kiwanis Turkey Bingo drew a huge crowd to win the many prizes and turkeys that were awarded for a Bingo.

"An Old Fashioned Christmas" Kick-Off is scheduled for November 29 and 30 in Dayton "The Town that Still Believes." Visitors and attendees can always expect great fireworks, hay rides, Santa on Main Street, a lighted Christmas parade, wine tasting, a Christmas market, multiple venues for shopping and entertainment and much, much more.

Dr. David W.W. Jones, of North Carolina State University Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, along with six regional and two national teachers, was named the 2013 recipient of the Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences New Teacher Division. David is the youngest son of Richard "Dick" Jones and Candy "Village Shoppes" Jones and started his early education in Dayton.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 25, 1998

Royal Neighbors of America #2738 presented Darrel McCauley a pin for seventy-five years of membership. Presenting the pin were Zella Powers, camp recorder and Phuong Brewer, oracle. Darrel's wife, Barbara, was recognized for sixty-one years.

To raise money for instruments, music, and travel, the Dayton High School Band is raffling off a beautiful quilt made by Debi Bernasconi. The back of the quilt has the signatures of all the band members along with Debi's dedication to the band.

Fifty Years Ago

November 29, 1973

David E. White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Right White and a graduate of Dayton High School, radio-television major at Eastern Washington State College, is a controller of the collage radio station KEWC-AM, one of two collage stations, on which he is a music director.

Dr. Les Hays D.V.M. a 1973 veterinary school graduate of Washington State University, has become one of two new WSU associates of Dr. James Proctor's Veterinary Hospital in Terrace, B.C. Dr. Hays, Mrs. Dorothy Martin of Walla Walla and is married to Carol Kerckhof of Dayton and the Dr. Hays is the grandson of Mrs. O. G. Hutchens of Dayton.

Linda Thompson, a Dayton High School junior, was crowned queen at the Harvest Ball sponsored by FFA. Charlotte Eaton won the cow milking contest, the Harvest Ball princesses were Lois Dickinson, senior; Charlotte Eaton, sophomore, and Virginia Eslick, freshman.

Lighting for holiday decorations will not be used by Pacific Power and Light offices or buildings this year. The utility is discouraging Christmas lighting contests and the use of outside holiday lights and asking customers to minimize inside decorative lighting. Every kilowatt hour saved helps to keep water in the Northwest reservoirs for use at a later time, explained Dale Foresee, local manager of PP&L in Dayton.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

November 25, 1948

Wilfred Thorn and Clarence Johnson, having become discouraged with poor telephone service, are building themselves a new metallic circuit to their homes up Davis Gulch. The two are bringing the wires to the city limits where the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company are hooking them up with the company's system.

How the Japanese feel toward America and what is actually being done in Japan in the way of reconstruction was explained by Miss Lulu Holmes, associate dean of students at Washington State College. Miss Holmes duties included assisting with the reorganization of the Japanese school system and directing the women's activities and seeing that the Japanese girls were given equal opportunity with the boys.

One Hundred Years Ago

November 1923

No information available.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 3, 1898

The women of Atlanta have combined in a movement to discourage the wearing silk skirts. This will be appreciated by impecunious husbands and church congregations who are disturbed by "rustliers"

Thousands of children are unable to attend school in New York City for lack of school buildings. There is plenty of land and numerous red school houses in Washington for some of those New York families.