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Port Commissioners change Executive Director's contract

DAYTON–Port of Columbia Commissioners voted 2-1 to change the status of the position of Port Executive Director from contracted to a non-contracted, at-will position following an executive session during the Commission's regular meeting February 14. The executive session was called to discuss Executive Director Jennie Dickinson's contract.

Dickinson has led the Port administration since 2007. The contract under which Dickinson worked ended the end of January, 2024.

"I don't believe that there is a necessity to have the executive director position as a contracted position," said Chairman Seth Bryan after the vote. "In my opinion, it is unnecessary and puts the Port in a difficult situation. I don't see the benefit to it." Bryan also listed concerns of behavior and alleged insubordination that he says he has witnessed from the current director.

Port Commissioner Mike Spring disagreed with the vote to change the contract. "I completely and totally disagree," Spring said. "I think the way to run a business is to have a contract, so that people know where they stand in the process," Spring said. He also stated that opinions of Dickinson's alleged behavior should be discussed in her evaluation, not in an open public meeting.

"This action aligns the Executive Director position with the Port personnel policies, and puts the control back into the hands of the Commission where it belongs," Bryan stated in a subsequent email interview with the Dayton Chronicle.

"I do not believe that a contract is necessary or beneficial to the Port, the Port Commission or to the public whom we serve," Bryan said. "This decision makes the Director accountable for [her] actions and behavior."

According to the meeting agenda, and statements made by Board Chair Seth Bryan, RCW 42.30.140 states that final action of hiring, setting the salary, discharging, or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public.

Dickinson declined to comment following the meeting.