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Two-year Elementary School Improvement Plan approved

DAYTON–During the regular board meeting of the Dayton School District on March 7, the board approved the recommendation to approve the School Improvement plan and Title 1 reading plan for Dayton Elementary School. 

Principal Amy Cox, along with Teachers Jamie Rushing and Darby Souza, presented a report showing the board what testing is being done, what data is being collected and how the staff is utilizing that data to improve learning opportunities for students. Tests provided to students throughout the year are the MAPs - Measure of Academic Progress, DIBELS - Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, and the Core Phonics Survey. 

"The reason we chose these tests is because of our ELA or our English Language Arts initiative that we are working on this year to improve our scores," Cox said. "Because we do know that if we get all kids reading at a third-grade level by the end of third grade, our indicators say they will be more successful and more likely to graduate high school." 

The group showed examples of data collected over the last three quarters as well as an example of the progress report that a parent would receive. Such a report would include ways that parents can help their child to improve where needed. The results shown to the board showed a drastic improvement across the school district from the first quarter to the third quarter in reading and literacy. 

The School Improvement Plan breaks down goals, activities, time frames, staff involvement, resources, and funding. Copies of the improvement plan and the Title 1 plan are available on the school district website. 

During the meeting, directors also chose a candidate for the superintendent position, approved the school calendar for the next two years, approved the spring sports cooperative with Waitsburg for golf and track and field, approved a leave of absence for a staff member, approved Zac Fabian as the girls' softball assistant coach, and approved Resolution 2023-05 Adoption of the 2024-2025 Reduced Educational Program.