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Beleny elected rural library board chair

DAYTON–The Columbia County Rural Library District (CCRLD) Board of Trustees met on April 16 with new Board Member Dale Walling, and voted on new officer positions for its members. Library Director Ellen Brigham reported on library operations and programming, as well as the financial report for March.

Dale Walling was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners last month, to replace Karin Spann whose term was up. During the April meeting, the Board held the election of officers. All votes were unanimous. Chuck Beleny was voted in as Chair and Kevin Rust as Vice-Chair. Rust had nominated Ball for the Vice-Chair position, but he declined to allow someone else to gain experience. Walling was voted in as Secretary and Sharon Mendel was voted to remain Treasurer.

Brigham provided her report which indicated a dramatic increase in attendance to the Family Storytime from March to April. She had attended a table at the Elementary School's Read and Rock event where she was able to provide information about the library programs.

Next Month, Brigham will attend the school Cinco de Libro event to promote the library. She reported that she attended the Public Library Association Conference in Columbus, Ohio earlier this month where she learned about engaging the community including teens, as well as about patron privacy concerns, media training and crisis communication.

The library has purchased 15 new wi-fi hotspots through a company that sells them at a discount to government entities and nonprofits. The previous hotspots were much more expensive through Verizon and paid for by grant money that is no longer available. Walling questioned how they would pay for the added non-budgeted expense which has brought the Library of Things budget to 244% or $1408. Brigham answered that part of it can be covered under the internet expense which has about $1000 remaining and that the remainder could come out of her salary.

New bookcases have been ordered to be installed next month for the children's library that allow easy access to books both because they are only three shelves high, and they will allow books to be shelved face-forward.

Library Assistant Haley Dotson has recently been hired making the library fully staffed. She is a Kennewick resident and holds a Master's in Library and Information Science degree.

Brigham informed the Board that the City Council declined to put the proposition for city de-annexation from the CCRLD on the ballot. She also said that SB 5824 and SB 5444 have both been passed into law and will take effect June 6. SB 5824 allows annexed city voters to vote on the dissolution of a county library district but requires a higher signature threshold of 25% rather than 10% for a petition for it to be placed on the ballot. SB 5444 prohibits the open carry of firearms and weapons in public spaces, including libraries.

During public comment period, it was asked if questions can be asked and answered by the Board through a drop box that would be made available for that purpose. The Board was agreeable to this and decided they could answer questions by email which would be passed through Board Secretary Dale Walling.

About 15 were in attendance either in person or on Zoom. Board Member Jay Ball attended by Zoom.