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Hours-long standoff ends with arrests

DAYTON–An alert neighbor who noticed something amiss and called police set off an hours-long standoff between two alleged burglars and the Columbia County Sheriff's Office late Saturday night and early Sunday morning, May 11 and 12.

Columbia County Sheriff's Office deputies responded to 410 S. 2nd Street late last Saturday and discovered two individuals had gained access to the vacant two-story house.

Following an hours-long stalemate, during which Columbia County Fire District No. 3 responded when the perpetrators allegedly set fire to insulation materials, two men were arrested: Zachary G. Bennett, 27, and Jay J. Dodaro, 44, both of Dayton.

They were booked into Walla Walla County Jail on first-degree burglary, first-degree arson, third degree assault, Violation of the Uniform Substance Control Act (possession without a prescription), and resisting arrest. The burglary and arson charges are both Class A felonies; the assault charge a Class C felony, and both the drug charge and resisting arrest charge are misdemeanors. Dodaro's charges included malicious mischief and a Department of Corrections violation.

Dodaro is being held on $50,000 bail and Bennett on $10,000 bail, according to Jennine Christensen, Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecuting Attorney.

After responding, deputies discovered where the pair allegedly entered the structure and began the process of taking them into custody. According to reports, the two retreated to the attic, allegedly resisting efforts by law enforcement to entice them to surrender. Bennett voluntarily submitted after 4 a.m. and Dodaro approximately an hour later.

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