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What's New at School?

Final Goodbye

DAYTON–As the spring season is coming to an end, the summer is crawling in! A summer that will be filled with fun, no school, and, for some of us, our goodbyes.

The end of the school year is always the hardest, no matter your grade, simply due to a lack of motivation and the sun being out. Dayton School District students push themselves and strive for success through the slow and last part of the school year.

Many students across the district have accomplished so much this year and cannot wait to succeed next year. Most importantly, this is the final countdown for the graduating Senior Class as they end their high-school career and go off to college or a career path. Senioritis is at its full peak; emotions are all over the place, and the excitement is in the air for what will come in the next week.

Next week, the Senior Class will participate in their senior trip, Baccalaureate, Scholarship Night, graduation practices, and finally, graduation on June 8 at noon in the Dayton High School (DHS) Gym. Some Seniors shared with me what they are most excited about for the upcoming week.

Kameryn Tupling, the valedictorian, said that she is most excited about "walking through the elementary school and seeing both my little brother and sister." Justina Abrahamson says she is most excited about "seeing what scholarships I received." Dea Wanlarbkam says he is excited about "going to Silverwood for band, the senior trip, and to graduate." Josh Reser, Senior Class President, says he is most excited about the "senior trip." Grace Trump, the salutatorian, says she is most excited about "the senior trip, Scholarship Night, Baccalaureate, and to graduate." The Associated Student Body (ASB) Vice-president, Nolan Korslund, says he is excited about "graduation because I know I can do anything."

Lastly, Wyntr McCauley, ASB President, is excited about "entering the gateway to my future and celebrating my successes with those who mean the most to me." Wyntr McCauley, Dayton Chronicle High School Reporter, is resigning, effective this last article, as she is almost finished with her high-school career, and will soon say good-bye to old DHS as she steps into her next adventure.

Here is a heart-felt "Thank You!" to all who supported my class and me. Good bye for now. The Senior Class of 2024 is ready to step into their future and embrace what will come!

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