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Library directors limit Hotspot lending to individuals

DAYTON–The Board of Trustees for the Columbia County Library District voted to exclude private businesses from the Hotspot lending, during the June 11 meeting. In addition, minor revisions were made to the Request for Reconsideration of Materials Policy. The finance report was approved. Director Ellen Brigham presented her report for the previous month which included information on the kick-off for the Summer Reading Program. The Board had discussion about the pending concrete work for the ramp and slab off the Delany Building, and moving a portion of the operating funds into investments.

Brigham stated that the district's lawyer said the lending Hotspots paid with library funds to private business is not illegal, but the Board agreed to limit the lending to individual use. Exceptions are public service entities such as Columbia County Public Transportation and the Senior Center. Chairman Chuck Beleny suggested a policy that will address permissibility and limits.

The Board made minor revisions to the policy for the Request for Reconsideration of Materials. One clarification made was that if the patron is not satisfied with the decision from the director about the materials being challenged, and if they choose to appeal to the board who then decides, the materials can only be challenged again citing a different reason.

Brigham reported in the past month, the library kicked off the Summer Reading Program with about 70 registered; and held an Art Outside event where they offered an art project to complete in the outdoor area of the library. Though two were initially scheduled, they held one Humanities Washington event in May. The other will be rescheduled. Brigham advised the Board that they have partnered with the Library Speaks Consortium to offer virtual talks from various authors at least twice per month beginning in July which will feature four authors of children's and young adult books. Past author presentations can also be viewed.

The finance report was approved with one notable purchase of the bookshelves for the children's section, which was a capital expenditure of about $10,000. The Board discussed moving a portion of the operating balance of $392,000 to an investment because of the increase in interest rates. They had a series of questions for Brigham to investigate before moving forward.

Board Trustee Kevin Rust said that the work by Tucannon Construction for the ramp and slab in front of the Delany Building is expected to begin the following week and will take three to four days to complete.

All Board Trustees were present with Jay Ball attending on Zoom. County Commissioner and liaison for the library, Jack Miller attended, as well as several other members of the public. The next meeting will be July 15.

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