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Pastor's Corner

A heart for Jesus

In 1963 Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first human-to-human heart transplant. The surgery was considered a success even though the patient only lived 18 days. When Jesus Christ comes into one's heart (the center of our spiritual and physical life) it results in eternal life, salvation, and transformation.

In one of her books Christian fiction writer Janette Oke writes of a youth devotion that was given: "He (Troy) had several hearts to display to the group.

A black one represented the sinner's condition, a whitewashed one showed human attempt to make things right with a Holy God. It was rather messy, with the white paint still letting the black show through in blots and spots and ugly splotches. A broken one needed obvious mending.

A red one showed the pain and suffering of a Christ who was willing to die to obtain forgiveness for the sinful human race. Then Troy held up a pure white one. "Create in me a clean heart" King David prayed, "and that is the only way we will ever have a clean one," said Troy. Only God can take care of the sins of man. Only He can forgive and give to us a clean, pure heart. But we must ask Him to. Just like King David. God will only come into our life and clean up our sinful hearts upon our invitation. We must pray for His forgiveness."

No matter what we have done, we are forgiven when we place our trust in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church

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