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August 6 Primary Election Candidate Profiles

State Senator

Mark Schoesler

Mark Schoesler has faithfully served the 9th District in Olympia for over three decades. He has served in the state Senate for the past 20 years after spending 12 years in House of Representatives.

During his two decades in the Senate, Mark served as Senate Republican Leader from 2013 to 2020, including three years as Senate Majority Leader. For the past two years, he has been the lead Republican on the Senate capital budget. As a member of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Mark keeps fighting to make sure our state tax dollars are spent efficiently and effectively. He also serves on the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee. His leadership and experience have benefited our legislative district and eastern Washington very much.

Mark is a self-employed farmer and rancher, raising cattle, wheat, barley, hay, and canola. He is a fifth-generation eastern Washington member and a member of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers. Agriculture is in Mark's blood. Throughout his years in the Legislature, he has been a staunch supporter and defender of Washington farmers and the state's agriculture industry, and he will continue to look out for ag.

As someone who has spent his life in Ritzville and raised his family there, Mark understands the needs of eastern Washington's small towns and how important they are to our region. He continues to keep our communities in mind when he introduces legislation or votes on bills or state budgets. Mark has worked closely with counties, schools, hospitals, universities (including WSU and EWU, both in the 9th District) and public safety officials to protect the services we depend on.

Mark has been a strong supporter of the four dams on the lower Snake River. He understands the important role they play in providing inexpensive and clean energy to our region, as well as the benefits they provide for agriculture, transportation, irrigation and recreation. Mark will continue to fight to protect these dams from being removed.

Mark Schoesler has proven himself to be a compassionate, thoughtful and effective leader in Olympia who always has taxpayers in mind. Voters in the 9th District would be wise to return Mark to the Senate so he can continue effectively serving us.