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August 6 Primary Election Candidate Profiles

Secretary of State

Dale Whitaker

Dale Whitaker is a dedicated and passionate candidate running for the position of Secretary of State in Washington. Having made Spokane his home since 2008, Dale emigrated from the United Kingdom to the United States and embraced his new life with vigor. In 2015, he proudly became a U.S. citizen, solidifying his commitment to his adopted country. Together with his wife, who runs a small cleaning business, Dale has established strong roots in Spokane, where they both operate successful small businesses.

Dale's deep appreciation for the beauty of Washington State and his commitment to its people have inspired him to seek public office. He is running for Secretary of State because he believes that election transparency is the most crucial issue facing voters today. Dale is convinced that to maintain confidence in the democratic process, the election infrastructure must be accessible, transparent, safe, and secure for everyone. He is committed to ensuring that every voter feels confident that their vote counts and that their voice is heard at the ballot box.

Dale's platform is built on two fundamental pillars: election transparency and support for small businesses. He believes that small businesses are the backbone of Washington State's economy and that reducing the cost of doing business would greatly benefit these enterprises. As Secretary of State, Dale plans to cut costs within the office, creating a more efficient and effective department. By building a team of dedicated and hardworking individuals, Dale aims to not only streamline the operations of the Secretary of State's office but also to reduce the financial burden on small businesses throughout Washington.

Dale's commitment to election transparency is driven by his belief that a transparent electoral process is essential for securing the democratic process. He understands that for democracy to thrive, voters must trust that their votes are accurately counted, that citizens only are voting, and that the entire election process is conducted fairly. Dale is determined to implement measures that will enhance the transparency and security of elections, thereby instilling greater confidence in the electorate.

Dale's candidacy for Secretary of State is rooted in his deep love for Washington State and his commitment to its people. With a focus on election transparency and support for small businesses, Dale is dedicated to making a positive difference in his community. He invites voters to support his campaign and work together to build a brighter future for all residents of Washington State.

To learn more please visit Thank you!

Damon Townsend

I'm Damon Townsend, and I'm running for Secretary of State under the No Labels Party. With a background as an Election Supervisor and Training Manager, I have modernized tabulation systems and enhanced voter registration processes. My MBA and extensive experience in election administration ensure I can deliver fair, secure, and transparent elections. Dedicated to community service, I volunteer at Tacoma Rescue Mission and coach at Bethel Rec. Learn more at

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