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Alumni Parade Marshals named

DAYTON–The local High School Alumni Association Parade Committee named fellow alum husband and wife Bill (a member of the Class of 1960) and Jackie (a member of the Class of 1962) Savage as Parade Marshals for the Alumni Weekend Parade held this weekend July 20.

Bill and Jackie Savage expressed surprise at the honor of being chosen as the Parade Marshals for the Dayton High School (DHS) Alumni Weekend Parade.

Bill and Jackie were married following high school and have been together for 62 years. They spent the early part of their marriage living elsewhere while Bill working for Pacific Power & Light where he began as a meter reader and advanced to becoming the Vice President of Wyoming Regional Operations. They returned to Dayton and Bill since has served for 15 years as a Board Member for the Touchet Valley Golf Course, now retired. Bill said they have always considered themselves "Daytonites."

Jackie's parents also graduated from DHS – her father Merl Rogg in 1939 and Clarice (Jackson) Rogg, nee Swanson, in 1942 and they were members of the first group that started the Alumni Association.

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