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Pastor's Corner

The motorcyclist knocked on my door and explained that he had grown up in my neighborhood and wanted to visit old friends and neighbors. He asked about several families, wondering if I knew where they may be living now. I told him I didn't know and he said with sadness, "I guess what they say is true. Sometimes you can't go home anymore." It was apparent he deeply missed the "home" he'd experienced with friends who he had lost touch with.

In Psalm 23 the Lord is identified as "My Shepherd" and "He restoreth my soul". As long as we have the Lord, we have a home. He is our shelter and our dwelling place. Because He is our home we can let down, let go, and be restored as we "let God" have our burdens, needs, and ourselves.

A loving home is a place of rest, refreshment, and renewal. We may have lived in a number of different houses but with the Lord we have a real, solid, eternal home within our heart.

Jesus said, "When a man loves Me, he follows My teaching. Then my Father will love him, and we will come to that man and make our home within him. The man who does not really love Me will not follow My teaching. Indeed, what you are hearing from Me now is not really My saying, but comes from the Father who sent Me" Jn. 14:23, (JBP translation)

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church

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