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Pastor's Corner

Soon we will start seeing beautiful fall leaves on the trees. The Bible makes reference to leaves, saying "That person (who delights in God's Word) is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away" Ps. 1:3-4.

The Bible says, "the righteous will thrive like a green leaf" Prov. 11:28. The person who loves knowing God's Word and commits to obeying it remains productive as the seasons of time and age come their way.

Even in old age God's people are a blessing to others. Their "leaf does not wither." Their attitude remains joyful and consistent. Others have the blessing of knowing they can rely on them to bring brightness into their own lives.

The explanation we are given for such radiant lives is included in Ps. 1:3-4: They are "planted by streams of water".

Jesus taught those who believe in Him would drink of the living water of the Holy Spirit within us. Because our faith roots have sunk deep into Him, we are "planted" and held firmly by His love that pours out from our hearts into our outlook, our attitude, our day, and our relationships. Our "leaf does not wither."

The promise that "whatever they do prospers" speaks of God's favor and blessing as we move into our challenges, decisions, and life's ups and downs. God's favor abides on us as we abide in Him. Because the Lord has no lack, neither does the trusting heart of His child. The overflowing cup of His grace and love spill out along our path and truly we know His loving favor.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church

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