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Senator arrested for DUI

By Roger Harnack

Ritzville-Adams County Journal

RITZVILLE–Ninth Legislative District Senator Mark Schoesler was released on his own recognizance Saturday, August 31, after being arrested for allegedly driving under the influence and hitting another vehicle, twice.

Schoesler, 67, of Ritzville, was arrested by citation for driving while under the influence of alcohol following the Saturday night performance of the Ritzville Rodeo. Schoesler's blood-alcohol level was 0.14 at the time of his arrest, according to Ritzville Police Chief Dave McCormick. The legal limit is 0.08.

The citation will be referred to Adams County District Court, which will set a time and date for an initial hearing, and issue Schoesler a court summons.

As senator, Schoesler represents the 9th Legislative District, including eastern Adams and Franklin counties, as well as southern Spokane, Asotin, Columbia, Garfield, Lincoln, and Whitman counties. A fifth-generation dryland wheat farmer, Schoesler was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 1992, where he served 12 years before being elected to the state Senate.

Schoesler served as the Senate Republican leader for eight years.

Earlier Saturday, Sen. Schoesler was a participant in the Ritzville Community Parade, after which he attended the Wheat Land Communities Fair and Ritzville Rodeo.

After being arrested by citation, Sen. Schoesler was released on his own recognizance to a family member who was contacted to take him home.

"The jail is closed," McCormick said of the decision to release the senator into the custody of a family member. "Mr. Schoesler is local and he's not going anywhere. He was 100% cooperative."

Since the senator was released to a family member to be transported home, he will receive an Adams County District Court summons to appear and answer the charge.

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