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Yellow Star Thistle

COLUMBIA COUNTY–Yellow Star Thistle is an invasive species and, according to the Washington State Noxious Weed Board, invades millions of acres of rangeland where it can cause damage to grazing animals.

Yellow starthistle is a biennial plant that goes that grows 18-36 inches with a deep taproot, winged stems and covered in white woolly hairs. The rosette is yellow in color and are in a star-like arrangement.

The plant is most likely on disturbed ground and found in grassland, wooded areas, along road, railways, and recreational spaces. It reproduces by seed.

The best way to get rid of this invader is to use herbicide on plants during the spring during the rosette stage. There are other ways to manage Yellow Star Thistle.

For more information regarding these methods, visit WSU Extension Integrated Weed Control Project or your local Noxious Weed Board. They will have a management handbook available to those needing help. The fall Yellow Starthistle Cost Share Program applications are now available. Email [email protected] or call 509-382-9760 for further instructions.

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