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Local American Legion Post seeking veterans

DAYTON–Years ago, the Marine Corps' recruiting campaign was "Looking for a Few Good Men," and today, that slogan couldn't be more fitting for the Frank E. Bauers American Legion Post No. 42 here, as its membership and the members who are active in the Post's leadership, hope to involve "a few good men."

"I moved here 45 years ago to work for a power company," said Legionnaire Brian Black. "It didn't take me long to figure out what made the community so welcoming and comfortable to call my new home. There was a group of 'doers' and 'watch dogs' that took care of things and projects that people didn't know were going on. This group had been doing this for 60 years-1919."

Black, of course, is referring to members of the local American Legion Post, named after the first Daytonite to make the ultimate sacrifice in World War I-the "War to End All Wars."

"We have been trying to keep this record going," Black says, "but we are going to need help as a few of us (me) are running out of gas. I'm asking for some young vets to step up and join us."

Active locally is Tim Hollingsworth, Commander, and Chuck Amerein, Adjutant, Black told the Dayton Chronicle. At this time, the position of vice commander is vacant and Brandi Hollingsworth is the treasurer.

Hollingsworth says about five members regularly attend post meetings and there are some 39 on the membership rolls.

"Post leadership is looking for people to help," Hollingsworth said. He will be stepping down from the commander position due to a number of personal commitments.

Anytime there is a parade that causes traffic to divert around Main Street, it's the Post members who stand posts directing traffic. That goes for All Wheels Weekend, where that duty is an all-day commitment.

Post honor guards lead Dayton's parades. Other activities include soccer and baseball sponsorships and the annual Patriotism Essay Contest.

"It's getting thin," Black said. "Surely there's someone out there that'd love to help out if just asked."

The Post boasts a nice meeting hall with a well-equipped kitchen and meetings are on the second and fourth Wednesdays at 19:00 hours.

If you're a veteran and interesting in getting involved, contact Black at 382-2497 or email [email protected].