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Rep. Mary Dye to introduce legislation to restore decision-making to communities

OLYMPIA–Rep. Mary Dye, R-9 will announce legislation to restore the power of decision-making to local communities most effected by energy projects on September 13, 2024.

"Today (Sept. 13, 2024), I am announcing legislation that will restore the power of decision-making to the communities most affected by energy projects in our state. For too long, the system has been broken, disempowering local communities, and undermining the hard work of county commissions, professional planning staff, and local citizens. These are the people who enact land use and zoning policies to protect everyone's property rights fairly. Their efforts should be decisive, not dismissed by an unelected board of non-residents.

But what we are witnessing now is far worse. One man, Governor Jay Inslee, is dictating the outcome for everyone-EFSEC, our local communities, and all Washingtonians-as if he were emperor. This is not how democracy should function.

The legislation I am introducing will require that solar and wind projects seeking permitting through EFSEC must receive approval from the affected county commissioners and tribes before it can even reach the governor's desk for final approval. If the people most impacted by these projects say no, then the governor will not have the authority to override their decision.

No one person should have the power to dictate the fate of our communities. It's time we return that power to where it rightfully belongs-with the people."

-Submitted by Rep. Mary Dye, R-9, of Pomeroy, Wash.

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