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Library Board approves policies

DAYTON–The Columbia County Rural Library Board met September 16 approved policies; heard the director's report; and listened to citizen concerns.

The financial report was approved as were revisions to the Bulletin Board Policy and the Service of Process Policy which addresses the request for patron information from law enforcement.

Trustee Kevin Rust questioned Library Director Ellen Brigham about the specific lawsuits against Kellogg County, Wyo., that she had cited last month when he proposed additions to the Collection Development Policy. She had inferred the suits were because of the changes to their collection policy. Following the discussion, the CCRLD Board approved the policy without any major change. She replied she did not know what the litigation was about to which Rust answered that the suits were not about the policy but for other reasons.

During the final public comment period, one attendee suggested the Board reconsider the proposed revisions since it is through policy that any substantial change can be made to content for minors or to the location of materials in the library. The Board made no comment.

A special budget meeting was scheduled for Saturday October 12 anticipating that Trustee Jay Ball could attend since he is in town on the weekends. Trustee Sharon Mendel who serves as treasurer shared that she met with Brigham with concern about going over the budget on travel expenses for professional conferences. She suggested staff attends some events remotely to defray costs to which Brigham conceded.

Brigham reported library patronage statistics for August were 1,589 people coming in or out of the library, and 1,319 items checked out or renewed. A series of other numbers were provided of those who attended the various library programs including from the final month of the Summer Reading Program.

The first of two public comment periods included comment from Marcene Hendrickson asking the Board to research the new game table program being offered by the library paid for with grant funding. Her objection was because it featured the role-playing games Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 and Pathfinder. Attendee Janice Huwe also commented in opposition to the games saying they are a gateway to witchcraft. She added the suggestion that the Board consider another library association besides the American Library Association (ALA). Trustee Dale Walling requested to meet with her privately to look at other options.

The Columbia County Rural Library District (CCRLD) Board of Trustees (BOT) met on September 16 despite the library being closed due to staff illness. Brigham was at home sick making it difficult for the Board to connect to Zoom. They were not able to reach remote Trustee Jay Ball. All other trustees were present. Brigham reported by speaker phone. Because of the staff illness, the library was closed the week of September 16 but has since announced it will resume normal operations the week of September 23.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for October 21.