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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

I am disappointed in the coverage you have given to the Lower Granite Fire or Dub fire. First, I am told that it destroyed many buildings on a farm that I am very familiar with. There were about eight buildings on this farm and I believe your coverage should have pictured these along with naming this farm.

In addition, this fire started somewhere on the upper South Deadman Creek. This fire needs an official designation as to cause as this might affect legal rights to recovery of damages. Your paper should follow this up and report on it. In addition, one person was seriously injured and this too needs additional coverage.

Next, I am disappointed by your lack of reporting market prices for the crops/livestock produced in Garfield County. I can remember when each issue included that day's price for wheat, barley, etc. and even hay. As I recall this was a part of the PGG advertisement in every issue. The same for the Lewiston Livestock Yards ad. I do note that your October 10th does have a livestock market report but it has been years since this was published. In addition, about once a month the EW included rain amount reports from 5-6 various farmers who had agreed to keep these stats. And once in a while some source would report crop outlook for the various principal farm areas in the county. This would include summaries of yields in that year's harvest, the later how seeding was going, then later, how crops looked in the late fall before winter set in. Then, in the spring, observations of what crops prospects looked like (good, fair, poor).

I realize that market prices are available on the internet but many of us do not market crops so just want a general knowledge of the levels of prices. And a general knowledge of what the yield outlook is on farms we are knowledgeable about.

Dave Fitzsimmons

Richland, Wash.

To the editor,

Debate This. Recently I was asked if I watched the debate. I answered, "No", what would be the point? I could see the highlights on Newsmax, OAN, RAV or a few other channels that are not sponsored by communism. Sure as heck I did see a few clips from it in a condensed form.

You know, my grandma had a parakeet named Pete. Pete could talk up a storm. I believe he knew more words than Kamala Harris and he would use them in a sentence with more articulation than Harris. I must admit that given he was a bird he was not able to make as many bird noises as Harris. Her cackling hen is spot on and she speaks fluent magpie as well as screech owl.

Can you believe that she has made it to the point where she is today? In bid for the white house in the last election cycle she made a gallant effort. She collected no votes and gained no delegates basically because she stunk. Her sniff has not improved with time. I heard a singer named Swift has endorsed her. "Skank endorsed and skank approved." If you meld E. Jean Carrol, Stinky Daniels, (I'm sorry, I meant Stormy) and Jill Biden's attributes, somebody's going to get an infection.

The new term for people on the left is "Swifties". Is that not cute? I guess they are signing up pre-pubescent voters like hotcakes. They just might outvote dead people, but not criminal aliens. How did democrats know so long ago they would need something north of 20 million criminals to steal the 24 election? I find that interesting.

I have supplied this publication in past times numerous things that my readers would get a big kick out of. I receive feedback that is positive, all save one. On a Sunday after church, I was confronted by a female at a store. "I don't like what you write!" She says. "Good" I answered. "No, I hate what you write." she says more forcefully. "Excellent, I'm honored." I answered again. "Don't you touch me!" she says loudly.

As if the thought had entered a man's mind, she twitched nervously, looking left, right and upward. (I assumed she was hoping for an audience). Was someone going to splash water on her or drop a house upon her? I didn't know, so I left her with my congratulations on her champion's performance in the Biden-Trump debate which was the day or two before.

For four years Donald Trump drove the bus admirably. Four years with no wars, a bursting economy and affordable expenses made being a passenger on that bus comfortable. Then came slow Joe. Remember how we all said that no one could ever be as worthless as Jimmy Carter? We were wrong. Harris is but a few tweaked voting machines from sliding into the bus seat and launching us into oblivion.

Harris has sent 300,000 (plus or minus) children into brothels and basements of democrats like Harvey Weinstein, where their life will mirror a horror story. Even if you just pretend to be a Christian, vote Trump, and vote for Raul Garcia. God has sent us these warriors. Use them.

Eric McKeirnan


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