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I have been watching and listening to arguments over the presumptive utilization of a governing plan called Project 2025.

I have read most of Project 2025. Yes, it takes an extreme position, and some parts are bold.

Each election cycle, the Heritage Foundation typically authors a new position paper, such as Project 25, to make corrective alignments aimed more with how the United States Constitution was written and intended. Project 2025 has NOT been adopted by any president, in whole, that I know of, or has anyone solicited the Heritage Foundation to come up with a governing plan.

From what I have researched about the Heritage Foundation, it is a think tank firmly set in the fundamentals of the Constitution of the United States. They base their ideology and format on this premise. Also, from what I have read, heard, and viewed, Trump admits to knowing about Project 2025, but has denied using it as his play book because he has his own plan.

At some point, we citizens must stop listening to the propaganda of our news outlets–on both sides–and think for ourselves. Are we heading in the direction most fitting a Constitutional Republic? Do we really want socialism or communism as our economic ideology? Are we going to allow other countries or self-serving corporations to manage our policies or governance? When do we say ‘stop jerking us around!’

Also, as far as women’s health I believe that issue has been sent back to the states where it belongs. I also believe Trump agrees it is better for the states to determine the needs of its people since it is local, rather than a general assumption made by the federal government. If people have forgotten, we are the United States which means we are a collection of individually governed states that have united for the protection against foreign and domestic interference or disruption. An example would be, the legalization of marijuana. It is NOT federally legal, but each state can and has legalized the recreational use of this product. So, if you want to ensure policies pertinent to the citizens in a particular state, then vote for the people pf that area who will create and protect policies favorable for the area.

The same is true of universal healthcare which is a socialist program that is managed and monitored just like Medicaid and welfare. Why allow the federal government to dictate policy for your specific area? Who better knows the needs of its citizens and local municipalities than people of your state. My question is, how is that working out? Are you getting the care you need, when you need, and how you need it?

It seems when we had private medical care, insurance companies, and individual participation, our medical opportunities were greater at a high standard, and more available. Now we have corporate medicine which is managed by the government on how, what, where, when, and who gets care. Frustrating.

During this election cycle, think about how the policies of the past few administrations have affected your life. Are you thrilled with today’s level of living or can we do better?

Let your voice be heard. VOTE.