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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

Since I do not claim to walk on water like some who write to you do, I just want to suggest that people do their own research to find out how the Project 2025 would affect their well being. If you care to enlighten yourself about how the GOP/Trump plan to severely change the American society and how government would do this, please follow this path to find out.

First enter onto your search engine the words "2025and me". Click on this site in your choice menu. This will give you a screen which says, "I care about...". Click on this and then a menu of issues shows up on the left part of your screen. Choose your area of interest and then click on the "show me" space at the bottom. This gives you a response with numerous bullet points with short summaries. At the end of each summery, there is a page reference you can click on to get you the exact wording contained in the plan which specifies the issue summarized under that bullet point. Something in this project affects EVERYONE who reads this so do not say that you don't care because if you are not at the table, you are on the menu. I guarantee ALL of you are to one degree or another especially with income taxes.

Another issue which everyone should be aware of is when Trump recently said he wanted to take Columbia River water to California. This idea was seriously considered many years ago when "Scoop" Jackson and "Maggie" were our US Senators. (I know I am aging myself). They squashed this idea quickly. But it is back if you vote for Trump.

In addition, he talked about huge tariffs on John Deere machinery. How would you farmers like this? Eliminating the Obamacare law would end families' health care insurance from covering their children up to age 26 and also eliminate the pre-existing medical conditions from consideration of your insurance. There must be hundreds of you in the county adversely affected by these proposals!!! So why do you vote in favor of these ideas???

Be sure to look up how birth control via any method will be outlawed and every women/girl will have her periods and pregnancies monitored to be sure you can be prosecuted for a miscarriage. Welcome back to the dark ages and the dreaded socialism/communism/Big Brother world of treating our women. (How many will be called witches??)

Dave Fitsimmons

Richland, Wash.

To the editor,

Where is the accountability from the County Commissioners? The Sheriff has asked repeatedly for a Jailer and was denied. Where is the accountability from the commissioners on the jail condition? Why was the jail not updated or a new built? Everyone knows that the jail was inadequate. Commissioners need to stop blaming the sheriff and take accountability for not doing something about It before somebody died! The blame really needs to go to the commissioners, not the sheriff for not doing something in the first place, so something like this wouldn't have happened. It's very upsetting that a commissioner lays blame when the commissioners are the problem.

Kimberly Gordon

Pomeroy, Wash.

To the editor,

I am an elected Board Commissioner of the newly formed Columbia County Park & Recreation Pool District (district) approved by voters on November 7, 2023. The creation of our District was accomplished as an unfunded entity with the power to levy a tax only as the Board and local voters recommend.

This formative year, we have been diligent creating a foundation to move forward and replace our pool, closed after the 2017season due to maintenance and operational issues.

For almost a decade now; local kids, adults and visitors have not had the privilege of learning to and swimming locally. Our community does not have a safe place to cool off from hot summers and engage in this healthy activity. Youth have not competed with regional swim teams, there is no adult aquacise, lap swim or night swims. Volunteer and job opportunities are not available for young adults and adults. Dayton needs a pool.

The Commissioners are asking for voter support for an annual levy of 0.20/$1000 valuation to begin planning and reconstruction of our once-beloved pool. I fondly recall summer swim meets with rural neighboring communities; Pomeroy, Colfax, Endicott, Plummer, etc. Our kids became excellent swimmers and safe around water; establishing a healthy life-long, lifesaving skill. I enjoy lap swimming.

Our efforts will literally drown without your support. Please vote yes for the pool in Columbia County on November 5.

Lisa Naylor

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

Although no earlier notice was submitted to the Dayton Chronicle, the DHS class of 1959 did meet during alumni week-end. Paying tribute to Starbuck classmates who traveled to Dayton during their four years in high school, 21 individuals gathered in Starbuck at the historic Bishop Building, enjoying a delicious meal catered by Louann Truesdale. No class picture was taken in deference to preserving our past youthful appearance.

The main reason for this letter is to pay tribute and bring attention to our class advisor Donald R. Cowen, Mr. Cowen taught typing and Business Ed at Dayton High School and 1956 he took on an additional assignment, class advisor to the class of 1959. Mr. Cowen was a quiet unassuming man who ushered us through four years of maturation without a harsh word or loud remark. It wasn't until years later that we learned this quiet man was one of 321 survivors of the USS Indianapolis which carried a crew of 1,196.

On July 30, 1945, the Indianapolis had just completed a top-secret mission, delivering a component for the atomic bomb which was later dropped on Hiroshima, when it was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. 900 men were thrown into the Pacific Ocean as the ship sank. It took nearly five days for someone with authority to notice the ship missing and send out search parties. During those five days, many sailors died from man eating sharks, injuries sustained from burning fuel and debris as the ship sank, exposure and loss of hope. 321 survived out of 1,196 and Don Cowen, although severely injured, was one of them.

Donald R Cowen, FC3 is listed as surviving in a book written by Doug Stanton entitled IN HARMS WAY. The class of 1959 has purchased this book for the Dayton Library. It resides, available for check out, in an area in the basement designated for local heroes.

Mr. Cowan died on March 22, 1977, at the age of 60. Immense appreciation goes to Mr. Cowen, for your bravery and sacrifice. Let us never forget him or other brave souls who fought and continue to step up to fight for our freedom.

God bless America.

Susan Bell, Class of 59

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

Kamala Harris had a momentary lapse last week, briefly stumbling on the truth before recovering.

"Jesus is Lord!" someone shouted at a rally.

"You're at the wrong rally!" Harris shouted back.

Indeed, they were. The Democratic party seems to be organized around the mantra of "What would Jesus not do?" It turns out to be a pretty good policy test to see where the party stands on any given issue.

It's easy to get burnt out on all the euphemisms, the gaslighting, the lies and slogans and pettiness; the removal of context, the rewriting of history, and the general miasma of mierda that hangs like a befouled cloud over our elections. There comes a point when seeing another "I read banned books" t-shirt or hearing another sappy Berkeley bleat about "aspirations and dreams" leads to dark aspirations and dreams. It's at this point when it's important to remember that there is not an essay section on the ballot where you can write qualifiers to your choices or explain how you voted for X with a heavy heart. You just have to make the least, worst, choice and drop it in the box... or the mailbox in the case of Washington, always out there on the cutting edge of corruption.

It turns out that the least, worst choice, has become pretty easy. Vote against all Democratic politicians and policies. They seek two-tiered equity (hey, somebody has to run the show). The only direction to obtain the lower tier (your tier) of equity is down―coerced equity is basically the removal of incentive, and humans are pretty much worthless without incentive. Essentially, broad-spectrum equity is destruction.

Destruction starts early―get them young. Government schools, with a constant push towards younger children in some kind of government program. Teach them that the government will provide lunch. The government will provide knowledge. The government doesn't recognize rights―it grants them. Speaking of grants, you'll need one to do anything of value within a community. You couldn't possibly do it yourself... you'll never get the funding. You didn't build that! Who built the roads? Yes, for kids! Open borders, open bathrooms! Don't tell your parents... let's just keep it between us. We don't want your guns; we just don't want you to have them. Have you applied for assistance?

In the '22/'23 school year, a superintendent in the Ridgefield district made $544,334. He was the only one to top that elusive half-million mark, but there were four more in the 400K + range and once you get into the 300K range the list just goes on forever. It's funny how some pigs end up with more equity than others.

We're all at the wrong rally. Turn it around. Vote against Democrats and democrat policies.

Seth Murdock

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

When someone asks me why I like Trump, my answer is that there are some things about Trump I don't like.

But this election is not about choosing the most likable person. We are voting between two vastly different ideologies.

We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandkids.

Trump has proven he can deliver, he is a patriot to the core, even serving as our president for four years without pay.

When someone says "I can't believe you're voting for Trump," I simply reply: I'm NOT voting for Trump. I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family. I'm voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I'm voting for election integrity with mandatory voter I.D.

I'm voting for law and order and for the police to be respected again, for an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business (Tim Walz).

I am voting for personal responsibility and an end to the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street (Kamala Harris).

I'm voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges, and Supreme Court Justice(s) who will respect and protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I'm voting for the military and the veterans who fought for this country.

I'm voting for doing away with freebies being given to illegals and not looking after the needs of American citizens and homeless veterans.

I'm voting to fight against human/child trafficking. I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports. I'm voting for freedom of religion. I'm voting for the return of teaching math, history and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

I'm not voting for one person; I'm voting for the future of my country.

I'm voting to ensure my children's and grandkids' freedoms.

America is the greatest country in the world, that's why so many people want to immigrate here. So why change it? Why do some politicians want to enact policies that have failed throughout history in other countries?

I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting for America.

Dwight Richter

Dayton, Wash.